Market value appraisals / TDDs / Damage reports on properties
and portfolios of all kind
On the basis of "Immobilienwertermittlungsverordnung (ImmoWertV)" (regulation on the determination of value) and the guidelines for valuation and depending on the property and requirements we will proceed according to the following standardised valuation processes:
- Comparison Method acc. to § 15 - § 16 ImmoWertV
- Gross Rental Method acc. to § 17 - § 20 ImmoWertV
- Asset Value Method acc. to § 21 - § 23 ImmoWertV
If required we will use the following, not standardised processes for profitability analyses and as quick aid for making investment decisions:
- Discounted-Cash flow-Analysis
- Residual Method
- Simplified Gross Rental Method
No matter if you are a purchaser, a seller or a property owner it is always good, helpful and most of all useful to know the value and the damages/deficiencies of a property.
We will carry out a detailed inspection of the property on-site and analyse all information available. Thus we will make sure that you will receive a reliable, detailed and complete overview on the strengths, weaknesses, chances and risks of each property further to the property valuation.
A qualified valuation of a single property or a portfolio in your ownership or a portfolio for acquisition by our surveyors is presumably much cheaper than you expect.
- Please do not hesitate and contact us. We will be glad to submit a complimentary offer according to your requirements.
If you wish we will make available for you an anonymised exemplary market value appraisal